I’m an astrophysicist working at the Pennsylvania State University under my advisors Dr. Doug Cowen and Dr. Miguel Mostafa.
I’m involved in several projects related to high-energy astrophysics. I study high-energy gamma rays with the HAWC Observatory, located in Mexico; mostly involved with the search of gamma-ray emission from large structures.
Another project involves the observation of high-energy neutrinos using the IceCube Observatory located in the South Pole.
The third project is a multimessenger framework called AMON, which looks for coincidences of events obtained by different detectors or observatories. This is a pioneer project in the search of multimessenger sources.
I earned my PhD at Michigan Technological University. My thesis was about observations of high-energy gamma-rays from the Northern Fermi Bubble Region with the HAWC Observatory, advised by Dr. Petra Huentemeyer.
Besides science and research, I like spending my time by exercising, playing music or dancing.
Member of HAWC, IceCube and AMON Responsibilities include:
HAWC Researcher Responsabilities: